Saturday, August 25, 2007

I just listened to the new Atreyu album "Lead Sails Paper Anchor" and it's a lot different from what I expected but I guess that's what musical growth is. For many people, they might not see it as anything good and probably will join the masses who will talk shit about the album and probably even the band for choosing the road that they have taken, but let's not forget that they are musicians and have chosen to see how far their talents will take them. Music is about honest self-expression. If this is a display of who they are through their music and not for any other reason, then I'm all for them.

The album is definitely a change but kinda grew on me half way through the album. I guess what gets to me the first half of it is how little of Alex's screaming vocals are heard. I don't have that big of a problem with it, I'm just used to Atreyu as a screaming band... but hey, this is progress, I guess. I can't wait to see them live and perform these songs. I guess the people that truly love them and what they do will be there. Change is good sometimes if it's for the right reasons. Hopefully they will keep growing and their music will touch someone and help them out.

Now playing: A Skylit Drive - Drown The City
via FoxyTunes

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